Monday 21 May 2012


A mouse in a mouse?
We need to go deeper.
So, continuing on with the process, I was finding I was having problems with just grasping the concept of making this model without really using dimensions, meaning there was so much left to guess work, which annoyed me greatly, as some can understand, it makes me uneasy, but anyways:
Making the matt bit
I found myself constantly changing the background for this part, I just found it so hard to see the split and do anything without being able to easily see the split, and for some reason I couldn't turn off the other curves without the entire model going away.

Ive been having quite a few problems with the whole surface modeling thing for a while now, mainly I didn't realize two of my surfaces were not actually connecting, and infact they were two separate surfaces, making everything SO much harder.  Anyway, that is now fixed, so ill show some progress pictures:
You can just see its solid, baby
So, I have made it split also, which is good, I struggled to get a picture, so ill get a good one later.
Yeah Baby.
Get it? Thug baby? Ha.

making th enon shiny area

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