Monday 7 May 2012

Mouse Projection

Ok, so after the problems with the first mouse attempts and the stupid boundry surfaces, so I have restarted the entire project. Which, at first I thought it would be alot worse than what it was.... Anyways:
Projected view
So, this actually works quite well, it takes the guess work out of 3D splines, which are rubbish. Really bad. Anyway, this has been working quite well, and I have been going through all these problems, creating the profiles, which has been working really well... As I have already said, so let a picture say 1000 words, or what ever...
Look! Look at how nice it is!!
So, yeah progress is slow, but is happening, Im having a few issues with some of hte lofting, but it can be managed. This problem is somewhat behond me tho:
Its the kiss tounge, I think...

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