Sunday 27 May 2012


This is getting out of hand. Well, Ive finished the modeling and whatnot, so now im moving on to the renderings. I should have taken sunday off work. Stupid work that I hate.

Anyways, the renders are looking quite cool, Im rather impressed with how they are turning out, all that stuff we did mucking around with the grade A surfaces really paid off at the end of the day, or morning, whatever.

Take it, bitch
The renderings are now rendering, im SO SO SO scared that my hdd is just going to pack up and die, and I will have to email you at 5am letting you know I have thrown myself off the balcony, after security asked me to move my bike for the cleaners that NEVER CAME. IM ON TO YOU UNISA.

Im really really bad at Photoshop.

It is now 6:38AM, and I wish to leave. So with my terrerbad Photoshop I shall start to long process of pack and go and get going home.

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