Tuesday 24 April 2012

Mouse Progress

Sock it to me.
So, starting with the mouse wheel, I decided it was a much better idea to add the little ribs onto the wheel, rather than, well anything else, because I'm a moron, but whatever, I do what I want. So, onto progress of the wheel:
I have technically done it, that being said I'm not really happy with it, I mean, it does not look as good as I had hoped, but I have been procrastination doing this now for like 30min, and that's long enough to, perhaps, move on to more pressing issues, so Ill try to fix the PCB.
And, I did it. Again, I was so focused, that I forgot to take photos of me doing it, but it turned out to be really easy. After using a surface to split the parts, I then just used the move/copy tool to, move the object, which was then just mated again. After that I combined the solid bodies, and there. Done. All good. No problems.
You have no idea how boss I feel right now.
And with that, I will end for the night, as my mind has gone.

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