Tuesday, 24 April 2012

The next stage

So, with the two week break being over, and it being time to put face to grindstone,
Ive really got to stop taking things so literally.
I decided it was about time to grab the mouse and start thinking about actually starting this project. Which, you, the reader, will be proud to know, I actually did. Apart from thinking ideally about a few things, it was the only real homework I did, which I'm both proud of and slightly ashamed. But what you gonna do.... Nuffin, as previous experience has showed.

So, it was time to start with the mouse. This is the sucker in question:
I actually found a slightly helpful image of the mouse, from a Microsoft site... I know right?
So anyways, apart from some of the organic curves, it really didn't look to hard, I've used surfaces before, in Auto-CAD and some really old cad package my school used before they had inventor, which was rubbish and really really really really had for a year 10 tech student to understand, but alas, it was a private school.

Rather than tackling the outside surface, which would be the logical option, i went straight for the PCB, because 1. its mostly square, and 2. it was the easiest to do, while watching tv. (look, its not my fault, the latest Game of Thrones had come out, and Im a sucker for watching Geoffry get hurt in any way possible)
I both hate you now, and in any other thing you ever do, because YOU ARE A BAD MAN.....boy.....thing.
Anyways, the effects of doing uni work while watching tv became apparent as soon as I looked at it at uni, as the next picture will show.
its a bit hard to see, but the funny thing with the circle is meant to line up with the button on the other side

Anyway, because I'm way to stubborn for my own good, I decided it would be easier to fix, rather than start again, so to do this, I will split it using surfaces, and reposition it. should be okay. I am actually yet to do it at the time of writing this post, cause Im scared, and I'm going to own the crap out of the clicky wheel. BUHAHAHAHAHA
Im coming after you, you smug bastard.

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