Segway Military. Oh yeah. |
Now that I have you attention, its time for Solidworks.
First off, today is good Friday. They city is a ghost town, the cad pools filled with the poor souls that should have finished this yesterday. Now back to work.
Above is my first attempt at a loft for my lid. Sadly this did not work. It was plagued with zero thickness errors, The single MOST annoying error Soildworks can throw at you, as it wont show you where the zero thickness is. I believe its because the french hate the rest of the world, and this is their way at getting back at us, others just think its a bit hard to program, what ever.
This is the first thing that comes up when you put evil french man into Google. |
With that plan in the toilet, I decided to take a slightly different approch.
So then that happened, not really sure how, but I tried to work with it.
Then that happened, and for about an hour I tried to make them loft, but just got punched in the face with zero thickness errors.
Now your stupid nose is zero thickness |
So after that happened, I stepped back, thought about it and did it a slightly better way.
Why didn't I think of this before? |
With that, a quick extrude cut and some cleaning up, it was finished. Actually turned out better than I thought.
Not to shabby. |
With that finished, I decided to take a stab at making the assembly, which was harder then not as hard, then harder then I thought. That being said, It did actually turn out okay. The screw thread is a little stuffed up, but as is the way of life, its not worth the pain for fixing it for the time being.
Woah, it might actually be able to work. Sweet. |
So, now thats done, I can start on the drawings.
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