Sunday 24 June 2012


Yeah, its that bike again.
So as you may have guessed, I like this bike, and IT WILL BE MINE TODAY/TOMORROW!!!! wooooooo.

Anyways, Ive used way to much of this blog on that bike so back to work. Dam it man, stop getting distracted. (ooooooooo Squirrel)
You just know he's playing dueling banjos. That is one dark movie. Really.
With the mouse, I'm not happy the way its come out. Really not happy at all, I think it looks like crap, and I'm ashamed I was going to pass it up. So rather than make an entire new mouse, I'm going to use the base from my old mouse and make a new top with new buttons, cause I believe that will look better. That and I put a lot of time into that design, so I want to.
So I'm making a new top, which is a lot harder than I would have thought, mainly because I've forgotten the modeling techniques that I used in the first place. Its all good tho, I will figure it out.

Ive been working on the modeling well hardcore, will post later.

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