Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Days end

Just me, chilling on my Vespa. Oh, I didn't see you there.
So, after a mild computer crash, and failed attempts at rendering, I have relocated to Uni, its something about working late at uni that just gets me ever time. Also, no one else is here, so I can get naked.
Burn all the chairs. Just to be safe.
So, my mild computer melt down was all of my work thus far. What I have recovered is most of what I had done, and not taken any pictures of in the past, so the model is more a less the same, just with a few less features. I would go back and remake a whole heap of them, but for the time I have left its just not worth the pain, and I have work tomorrow. So yeah. Also for references sake, its actually the 27th, not the 29th. Im doing better than I usually do. Onto the actual modeling:
here it is
I know its build around my old mouse, but I kind of like it. I would actually have it build if I had the cash (you know that bike that has been in the previous posts? yeah, bought it. Its dope) but there are a few issues, that I know you will spot when you checkout my model with all your evaluation tools, that a I started teaching myself. Anyway, I'm about to start the rendering, which is going to be so much better than last time. It will be. That was shocking last time. Really was.

Rendering takes ages. This time, I have actually gone to the trouble of reading your rendering guide, and the final product is looking much nicer. Rather than finishing the movie tonight, I'm going to finish the rendering board, then do the movie tomorrow night. I know that's cutting it a little short, but I have experience with inventor for movies, and I'm assuming the problems will be quite similar. Hoping anyway. Also I'm really sleepy, so yeah, that wins over cad at the moment.

Also, somewhere along the track, some relation died, and now the entire mouse is off center. No idea why, just running with it.

Thats really as exciting as it gets. I mean, its lots of watching that. It drives me insane, but what you going to do? At home Ive got a bike wheel I'm yet to build, that also drives me insane, so you know. 

I'm really proud of what I've just made:
The way its meant to be spelt
Look, I know its not the beezes kneezes, but its something better than before. 

Thats it for tonight.

Movie tomorrow night.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, 24 June 2012


Yeah, its that bike again.
So as you may have guessed, I like this bike, and IT WILL BE MINE TODAY/TOMORROW!!!! wooooooo.

Anyways, Ive used way to much of this blog on that bike so back to work. Dam it man, stop getting distracted. (ooooooooo Squirrel)
You just know he's playing dueling banjos. That is one dark movie. Really.
With the mouse, I'm not happy the way its come out. Really not happy at all, I think it looks like crap, and I'm ashamed I was going to pass it up. So rather than make an entire new mouse, I'm going to use the base from my old mouse and make a new top with new buttons, cause I believe that will look better. That and I put a lot of time into that design, so I want to.
So I'm making a new top, which is a lot harder than I would have thought, mainly because I've forgotten the modeling techniques that I used in the first place. Its all good tho, I will figure it out.

Ive been working on the modeling well hardcore, will post later.

Thursday, 21 June 2012


Its so cute
Okay so, after a little break (a few weeks now) I'm ready to get back into the cadding. Yeah baby, that's right, I'm back.

Also, on the bike front, I decided to go with the green Cinelli Mash, cause its awesome. Its going to be green with silver parts. Cause that will look amazing.
Or mabs black. I donno, its going have H plus Sons TB14 rims, they are so sexy.
Back to the stuff you care about:
The Mouse.
It looks a little 1990's cause its  a little square. I dont really care tho, its really quite nice to hold in both hands, and will easily fit all the parts from the old mouse, they may look a little dwarfed in there tho, but stuff it, I dont care.
Pewdiepie, youtube him, hes sorta funny. And he doesn't care.
So the mouse is being modeling much the same way as the last mouse, as that way worked well, except due to the profiles, I cant really use projected curves, which is a blessing in disguise. As I hate them. A lot. Really a lot.
Yeah Boi
As usual im having issues with making this. I forgot how much effort actually goes into making these dang mouses, Its more then I wanted and expected. Mainly cause im making a slightly retarded shape, but what you going to do? I mean, Make a different one? HA.
So its a little hard to see, but im trying to make the dang top of this mouse, and ive changed methods like 7 or 8 times now. This is getting a little annoying, to be honest. At the moment, Im trying to loft from the left plane (7) to the point on plane 4. This is sorta working.

Now I havnt actually been taking photos, which again im a little annoyed at myself, but I find if I stop to take photos, I loose my train of thought, then im back an hour. So forgive me. Anyways, Ill recap the last hour or so, what I have been doing is making the construction for the pcb form the old mouse to go in, which involved heaps of assemblys and just genral construction. Its been slow, but it works for me so suck it.

You thought I meant the one eyed trouser snake. Mind out of the gutter Dan, mind out of the Gutter.
Did you know that last pic was from Canada, land of the cheap medical insurance. Go figure. So its all going good, Ill try to get some more pictures up. For now enjoy this video of one of my fav. bikes:

Ok, Ive finished the mouse. TADAR:
Not my best, but still
I will admit, its not the most amazing of mice, and the curvature could be better, but I believe for the sake of the project it fills the required components. The video will be cool.

Its got a stash pocket in the rear. Ha
It also could have been smaller. What ever.

They are family, Yo.
Cool, that about does it for today. I think I might go home.

Monday, 4 June 2012

It almost killed me.

In case you cant tell, that stanley Kunerick (i think thats how you spell it) behind the mouse. Its the mouse shining. Dan you ruined it. Sigh. This is why we cant have nice things.
First up, I would like to say sorry for my Ad. It was shocking. Really bad. Really bad. If you find it within yourself, let me resubmit it. Anyhow, moving onto the new project I was thinking of making the movie something special, with lights and music, we shall see.

Im thinking like the first 30 seconds of this for my video:

That will be excellent. Will soon post pics of my mouse as I have done it, atm its sorta nothing.